64: Are You Being Honest with Yourself?
So many of us wander through life feeling empty and unfulfilled. We hide the truth so we can protect ourselves from all the things that could go wrong, but doing so also shields us from all the things that could go right! In this week’s episode of…
Embracing Obscurity

It’s an epidemic. Social media is everywhere and it seems everyone is connected and everyone is scrambling to get the most likes, comments, and exposure for our photos and messages these days. None of us are immune to it. We post on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter hoping to attract new followers whether it’s for […]
Are You Being Honest with Yourself?

Are you being honest with yourself? I mean truly honest and open about your life and the path you are on. Are you following up on the things you say you want to do and be or are you holding back? Possibly out of fear or self doubt? I realize now that despite the facade […]
63: Embracing Obscurity
In a world where we are constantly seeking the attention of others, the idea of embracing obscurity seems counterintuitive. But what if we set side our need for the approval of others? What if we simply did what we are called to do and let God take…
62: Are You a Mary or a Martha?
In this crazy busy world of ours, it is hard to find time to sit quietly. Especially for those who make time to serve others in addition to their normal routine. The Bible tells the account of sisters, Mary and Martha, and how they each served Jesus…
Are You a Mary or a Martha?

If you google personality test, you will get 524 million responses in about a half a second. That is more responses than I can even fathom. Today, I want to talk about a different kind of personality test. It won’t require you to log onto Facebook or search the web to get the results, you can get them […]
61: Getting the Support We Need
For Things to Consider Before You Hire a Coach
Getting the Support You Need: Four Things to Consider Before You Hire a Coach

We all need support in life. Whether we admit it or not, we can not do this thing we call life on our own. The support we need comes from the people God brings into our lives at various times and in various ways. Sometimes we don’t even realize we’re getting it and other times we […]
Finding Contentment

We are all searching for that thing. The one that will finally make us happy. We know if we could just get it, it would fill our hearts and souls with a sense of contentment and joy. So often we think it is about our relationships, our work, or meeting our next achievement. Being competitive […]
60: Finding Contentment
The search for contentment is ongoing, It seems that no matter how much we get of the things we want, it never seems to be enough. What if you could find the secret to living in contentment and give up this ongoing search? In today’s episode of…