84: The Happily Ever After Guarantee

Life can be full of challenges; some are avoidable and some are not. Regardless, we get to choose how we respond to those challenges. The good news is that no matter how big or small our struggles are or whether we overcome them or not, we are…

The Happily Ever After Guarantee

And they lived happily ever after. Let’s face it. A little part of us all loves a story that ends well. We want the good guy to win. We want the underdog to come out on top. We ultimately want everyone to be happy, don’t we? That is another reason why I love the holidays. […]

81: Will You Be on Board?

Surely the people on Noah’s time thought it was ridiculous that he built the ark on dry land with no water within miles of the site. But as the waters rose, they must have reconsidered how foolish it really was. Likewise, many people today consider…

Will You Be On Board?

If Noah was boarding the ark today, would you be in line to embark with him? Or would you be watching as he loads the animals two by two mocking him for his foolishness like everyone in his day did? Even knowing how it turned out way back then, I’m guessing many would make the […]

80: A New Way to Celebrate the Holidays

Shifting the things we focus on over the holidays is key to our ability truly enjoy the season. Starting with actively giving thanks and then finding ways to incorporate peace and joy into our days will be a blessing to ourselves and the people we…

A New Way to Celebrate the Holidays

Thanksgiving is upon us and with it brings the hope of Christmas. Yes, the commercial side of Christmas has been on display in stores for about a month now and although I used to be a little annoyed by the early displays and music, I’m finding that I’m actually enjoying it this year. I’m truly […]

79: The Promise for Something More

When God says no to something we want in life, it’s because He has something much better in store for us. It is hard to accept in the moment and sometimes it takes years for His promise for something more to come to be. In this episode of Longing for…