Why This Podcast, Why Now?

We all have it.  That little voice that calls us to be the best we can be.  The one that urges us to step up.  To jump in.  To go for it.  To give more.  To be more.  Some head the call, but some don’t.  They may be telling themselves, “It’s too hard.” Or, “It […]

2: Why this podcast, why now?

There are a lot of great Christian podcasts available, so what makes Reviving Your Soul different? Today’s episode delves into why it’s important that we as Christians are spending time in the Word and measuring what we are hearing in the world against God’s truth. Reviving Your Soul is based on Psalm 19:7 which states that “the Law of […]

Answering God’s Call

Longing for More at the beach

We are all created with a purpose.  God had a plan for each one of our lives before we were born.  We get to chose our career, our spouse, and what we do with our days, but he gets to chose why we are here.  To discover what that purpose is, we need to seek […]

1: Answering God’s Call

We all have that voice that calls us to something more; to fully use the talents we are given. The world is so busy and our lives are so full of clutter, we don’t always hear it. Answering God’s call is key to living a life with meaning. He created us with a purpose in […]

The Best Decision…

Some things in life are a lot like bubbles to a toddler.  We pursue them.  We chase after them.  We dream about how wonderful it will be when we finally get them.  And then, just when it seems it is coming our way, it bursts, right before our eyes.  That’s the way it happened for […]

Words of Wisdom from an Unlikely Source

Some will tell you that television is evil and should be avoided at all costs. They say that being idle is a bad thing. Personally, I think if you are selective in what you watch, you will actually see a lot of good happening on TV. I am not advocating that you quit your job […]

That Dirty Old Book…

Scrolling through Facebook can be uncomfortable, especially if you find yourself in a thread that you know isn’t for you, but you can’t help but read it through anyway. I’m always amazed at how people use social media to air their grievances with their “friends” and the rest of the world. I generally try to […]

Success Redefined

As we usher in the new year, it is important to take the time to reflect on the past year. If you are like me, you probably didn’t meet all of your goals and probably would have done some things differently. Even so, I am marking 2017 as one of my best years, not because […]

Oh Christmas Tree

Its almost Christmas and there are signs of it all around. One of the most notable is the Christmas tree. It seems they are literally everyone. If you live in South Dakota, we are especially blessed to have our state capitol filled with beautifully decorated trees. It is really something that is hard to explain […]

Giving Thanks

This time every year we pause and give thanks to God for all of our blessings. That is the plan anyway. In reality, these days we are already in full swing preparing for “the holidays” and Thanksgiving just gets rolled into the “to do” list and has virtually lost its meaning. I’m not judging here […]