Make Meaningful Connections

I’m not a coffee drinker. But most adults I know are. Some are pretty serious about the stuff. It has to be black. And Strong. If it’s watered down enough for someone like me, they don’t want anything to do with it. You may be one of those people…I’ll bet you know someone who is […]
109: Make Meaningful Connections

[iframe style=”border:none” src=”//″ height=”100″ width=”” scrolling=”no” allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen] Like coffee, sometimes our faith can be too strong for others to take. So we water it down. But we need to be careful that we don’t weaken it so much that it is no longer recognizable. In this episode, we talk about living […]
Now is the Time to Create A New Normal

As life begins to shift and we look to what our post COVID lives will look like, I challenge you to be intentional about what you let back into your routine. Instead of automatically returning to all the things you’ve always done, create a life of meaning and purpose. You may be surprised by how […]
108: Now is the Time to Create A New Normal

Seldom do we get the opportunity to start over again. Regardless of how many little things chip away our satisfaction in life, it’s simply too hard to make the changes necessary to make a new start. But now that our lives have been turned up-side down…
107: You are Blessed to be a Blessing Now More Than Ever

As we begin the transition from stay-at-home orders to normal life, our world takes another turn. Fear of sickness has shifted to anger and rage in our country. This episode of Longing for More tackles the issue of how Christians are called to look at…
You are Blessed to be a Blessing

There is a saying that when we can’t hear God’s voice during the trials in our lives, we are to remember that the teacher is always quiet during the test. Many people are feeling that God is being especially quiet during these times of sickness, death, uncertainty, and now upheaval. If this is a test, […]
106: Trusting God Even When We’re In Over Our Head

There are times we end up over our heads in life. We are at a loss as to whether we should go forward or backward and nothing we do seems to work. It’s frustrating, especially when we’ve been praying our way through the process and feel it should be easier. But easier isn’t what we […]
Trusting God Even When We’re In Over Our Head

Have you ever had one of those moments when you are heavily invested in a project and you realize you’re seriously in over your head? You know, one of the times like you decide to paint a wall, but then realize the new color doesn’t match the carpeting, so you decide to take the plunge […]
What Kind of Legacy Will You Leave?

Do you ever think about what people in your life will remember you by when you are gone? Or more importantly, do you wonder if their lives are better for having known you? I have considered this at various times throughout my life, but seem to more in this time where it feels it feels […]
105: Moving from Uneasy Times to a Place of Peace

The ability to take a bad situation and find the good in it is a rare gift. Being able to share the experience in an inspiring story is even rarer. Motivational speaker and author, Michael Arterberry, has this gift.