I’ve seen it four times and it still makes me cry every time.  The message of forgiveness, redemption, and hope is so powerful it draws me in and I learn new lessons each time I see it.  I’ve watched parts of other movies dozens of times over a period of years, but I’ve never sat down and watched one movie from beginning to end over a period of a few months like I have I Can Only Imaginesince it was released. 

I love Bart’s humor and enthusiasm through some of his most challenging times.  He, like us, wants so badly to be loved by his father, but nothing he does seems to be enough.  But he has a dream and his persistence and determination to pursue that dream is a lesson to us all.  Clearly, the message of God’s forgiveness for a man whose actions are seemingly unforgivable is the underlying theme of the whole movie, but I want to focus on here is the undercurrent of how badly Bart’s dad wanted his love, too.  Unfortunately, Bart’s heart was so scarred from years of hurt that he couldn’t see it or to even care.  So they do this dance that is very painful to watch until the switch is flipped and everything changes. 

Have you ever had that switch flip for you?  Have you ever received the devastating news that helped you realize how short your time is and that if you are going to take action you must do it now? So many times that happens when there is a devastating diagnosis or a life-threatening event like an accident.  But why is it that we need to wait to receive that life-altering news to make the change?  Why don’t we chose to do the things that will alter our lives for the better today instead of waiting for that kick in the pants? 

There are lots of reasons we don’t change.  One is, we are worried about what others will think.  Our pride gets in the way and we choose to continue to hide behind our shame than admit our wrong and seek help.  Truly, what would they think if they knew that we binge eat, overspend, or are afraid? 

Another reason we resist change is that our brain is programmed to keep us safe and making a change and moving into uncharted territory feels unsafe, so it’s just easier to keep doing what we’ve always done.  Even if it’s painful, it is less painful than stretching ourselves into the unknown.  

Another reason we don’t make changes is we don’t believe we are good enough or are worth the trouble.  We’ve gotten programmed to believe that what we want or need isn’t important or is too hard, so we don’t even try.  Or, we’ve tried in the past and it didn’t work.  So if it didn’t work before, it certainly won’t work now.  Right?  Sound familiar?  Trust me, we all do it.  

The things we think and do are so ingrained into who we are that it can be almost impossible to change.  Note I said almost.  It is NOT impossible to change.  But nobody can do it for us.  We have to decide for ourselves that it is time to change and then we need to take the steps to do it. It almost always takes help from someone outside of ourselves that can give us encouragement and support.  And accountability, we must have accountability.   Making these changes can work on everything from how we interact with others, how we talk to ourselves, what we believe about ourselves, and how we treat our bodies.  

We can remake ourselves into just about anything we want to.  Not unlike Bart who wasn’t willing to hear that he didn’t have what it takes to make it in the music world, we need to have that piece of us who is unwilling to believe that it isn’t too late to make changes to our lives and improve our situation for the better.  But only we can do it.  No one can do it for us.  Just like cheating on a math quiz may get you a passing grade, but won’t help you learn the skills you need, having someone else tell you that you look great is entirely different than you telling yourself that and believing it.  The hard work always has to be done and learning to love yourself and forgive yourself can be the hardest work of all.  

Is there someone you feel called to forgive today?  Is there some small, or better, large, gesture you can make to begin that path to forgiveness?  It doesn’t have to happen in one sitting, it can be a thawing of hurts and emotions that takes days, weeks, or months.   Starting with the decision that it is time to shift in the right direction is a great first step.

Getting back to the movie, there is one scene that I can’t quite get over.  It is the scene where Amy Grant is on stage preparing to sing Bart’s song when you can feel her heart shift and despite all the decisions that had been made and likely even the contracts that had been signed, she knew in her gut that that song was Bart’s to share, not hers.  By giving him that moment, I’m sure she let go of more money than I can ever imagine having, but she did it because she knew in her heart it was the right thing to do.  My heart clenches every time I think of that truly selfless act of returning that gift to the rightful owner.  

When was the last time you had the opportunity to give someone a gift that could completely change their whole life?  Did you do it?  If not, I pray that if you ever get the chance again that you will.  We don’t get many chances to completely change the course of someone’s life, but when we get it, we should take it, because the rewards could be eternal. 

It reminds me of a verse I recently read that really ties in with this topic. It goes like this, “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined the things that God has prepared for those who love him.” 1 Corinthians 2:9.  God has so many amazing gifts for us.  They truly are better than anything that any one of us can imagine.  But we almost always have to let go of something before we can accept the gift he has ready to give.  Sometimes it is as simple as letting go of the memory of the pain.  The ability to hold it over our transgressor. 

One of my favorite characters in the movie is Bart’s teacher who would not accept his excuses and pushed him to see the talent he possessed.  She was played by one of my favorite bible study teachers of all time, Priscilla Sherer.  It reminds me of a lesson she taught years ago about the abundance that God has in store for us.  While teaching this lesson, she was literally all over the stage showing how if we hope for something, our God wants to give us 10, 20 even 100 times that.  I couldn’t find the lesson to share with you here, but the point stands.  Just as God was able to go beyond Bar’t wildest imagination and bring his earthly father to Christ, he can do that over and over again for us and our loved ones.  

One last observation as I close today.  I am always shaken by the fact that, despite his hard outer core, Bart’s dad was being witnessed to weekly as he listened to Bart sing and then the minister preach, on the radio.  The message in that for you and me is we never know for sure who is watching and listening.  Even when it feels hopeless, it isn’t.  God can bring good in every situation.  Sometimes we get to know the end result and sometimes we don’t.  Do good anyway.  

As Bart so beautifully wrote in his anthem to his heavenly father, we can only imagine what is in store for us in heaven.  Truly, we can’t even begin to imagine what he has in store for us here on earth.  Until it is time for us to enter eternity, the Holy Spirit is here to comfort and guide us.  Knowing the wonderful future in store for us gives us hope and courage to continue on in this life, even when it is difficult to see the good that is to come.  But God has so much in store for us and its better than you can imagine.

Thank you for listening in today.  If you are one of the few who haven’t seen the movie, I Can Only Imagine yet, please find a way to see it.  I apologize if I took away any of the suspense for you, but I do promise that it is still worth seeing as evidenced by my four viewings as of this recording.  We will be starting a ladies’ bible study on the movie at my local church beginning mid-October.  If you are local and are interested in joining us, we’d love to have you.  If you aren’t local or you missed the opportunity, please feel free to get the journal and do the study as a self-study on your own or start your own group.  There is so much joy in sharing our thoughts and ideas of Jesus’ love in a small group.  

If you know of someone you think might be encouraged by this, please share it with them.  As always, if you need someone to help you with encouragement, support and accountability in helping you become your best you, I’d love to have a conversation with you.

If God is calling you to more, find it within yourself to reach for it in courageous faith.  God will support you, I promise.  I am praying this has in some way revived your soul this week.  Make it a good one!

God bless.

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