143: Is Your Church Leading You Astray?

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Title:  Is Your Church Leading You Astray? Main Points From the Show People want to feed their need for friendship and belonging. Sometimes it can be found in places that don’t align with God’s plan or his church.  Not all is as it seems.  If we are being told we can’t question something in the […]

142: The Truth, the Whole Truth, & Nothing But the Truth

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T Most people know we can be held in contempt of court if we bear a false witness when witnessing in court. Sadly, few are concerned about bearing false witness about the truth regarding God’s Word. Although most Christians own at least one Bible, less than half read it consistently, and fewer still treat it […]

The Truth, the Whole Truth, and Nothing But the Truth.

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When we take an oath to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, we are declaring that we will tell the absolute truth about something without omission, embellishment, or alteration. We can be held in contempt of court if we bear a false witness when witnessing in court. Everyone gets this, […]

141: Shifting Our Focus to God

Shifting Our Focus to God

Do you ever struggle to know God’s will for your life? We all do at some point. In this episode, I share how God calls us to shift our focus to Him so we can align with His will. To do so, I read the chapter, The Heart Shift from my book, A Different View: […]

140: Do We Trust Too Much?

Do We Trust Too Much?

In a world where it’s difficult to know who to trust, it’s alarming how easily we can fall into the trap of scammers. The world is full of people who will take advantage of others, and now, more than ever, we need to use discernment. In today’s episode, we learn about a new scam that […]

139: Where Are You Pretending?

Where are you pretending?

Playing make-believe as a child is a beautiful thing. But when we pretend as adults, life can get complicated in a hurry. We always have choices to make, and sometimes it can be a bit blurry as to which choice is the “right” choice when debating two good options. In a world full of fake […]

138: The Clarity Your Soul Longs For

The Clarity Your Soul Longs For Podcast Episode

Life doesn’t always work out the way we plan. If we get far enough off track, we begin to doubt ourselves and even God. When this happens, we long for clarity. If you’re frustrated that life isn’t going the way you planned, know that the clarity you receive may not look the way you think […]

137: The Comparison Game

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Are you a comparaholic? Do you find it difficult to stop playing the comparison game? Whether you consider yourself competitive or not, you may be in the habit of checking to see how you measure up against others. You may be causing undue pressure by creating expectations of yourself and others that aren’t realistic. Today’s […]

136: The Endless Search for Knowledge

Banner for episode 136 The Endless Search for Knowledge

We can get so wrapped up in our search for knowledge that we can lose sight of God’s plan for our lives. This episode discusses this cry for knowledge and how we can accept that we can’t know everything, let go of the need to do so, and learn to trust God. This is a […]

135: Celebrating A Different View

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We celebrate notable occasions in our lives all the time. In this episode of Longing for More, we celebrate the successful launch of the book, A Different View: Start Living the Life Your Soul Longs For, with impactful interviews and the premiere release of the compelling book trailer! Join guest host Neil Matthews as he […]