Letting Go of Control; The Art of Surrender
When is enough, enough? We all have a tendency to get caught up in wanting more and more of something in our lives. The way we crave that thing becomes a vicious…
When is enough, enough? We all have a tendency to get caught up in wanting more and more of something in our lives. The way we crave that thing becomes a vicious…
Not knowing the outcome of a situation can be frightening. To avoid the uneasy feeling of not knowing the outcome, we often try to control our circumstances. In fact many of us have become addicted to the need to control all aspects of our...
We all have challenges in our lives. Some happen on a daily or weekly basis and we barely notice them. Others are times that were so painful we didn’t know if…
We all fall into the trap of believing that our story isn't sexy or exciting enough to share. I'm guilty of that too. But then I had some help realizing that mine is wrapped in the truth that I have a gift to help others let go of the hurts in their...
Connecting with complete strangers when you are at a special event seems so easy when there is a common bond that brings you together. I talk about that in my recent…
Ever notice how sometimes it is easier to connect with strangers than people in our day to day lives? In this episode of Reviving Your Soul, I discuss the different levels of connections we make and why we are called to find that thing that can bring...
Grace is everywhere and is so abundantly given to us. Why is it then that we are so reluctant to give it to ourselves and others? In this week’s…
We are granted so much grace in our lives. Why is it then, that we are so reluctant to share it with ourselves and others? This episode of Reviving Your Soul talks about how we need to give ourselves permission to let go of past mistakes; both our own...
Have you ever noticed how just when you think you have the perfect plan, it falls apart? My most recent experience testing this was a couple of weeks ago when…