24: Weathering the Storms of Life
There are all types of storms. They range from gentle rains with seemingly no lasting effect on us to devastating hurricanes that can change our lives forever. In a similar way, the storms that hit our lives can also have a range of effects on us. In…
Cherishing the Gift of Faith

The children were gathered around Pastor on the steps leading to the alter. He was asking them what they cherished. As I sat there I was thinking, I wonder if they even know what that means. I mean, does anyone use that word anymore? I’ve probably thought of it, much less used it, only a […]
23: Cherishing the Gift of Faith
Life is full of things we cherish. Some are of value to the rest of the world and some have meaning only to us. In this episode of Reviving Your Soul, I share about some of the things I value in life, primarily my Faith and how it has grown through…
Living with the Loss of a Pregnancy, Infant, or Child

The fear of having a miscarriage or losing a child at any age is something that every parent must deal with. The reality of this loss is tragic. October is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness month and recently my Life Team held a walk to bring awareness and comfort to parents, family, and friends grieving […]
22: Living with the Loss of a Pregnancy, Infant, or Child
Losing child in pregnancy, during infancy, or anytime after can be devastating. This week’s episode of Reviving Your Soul focuses on the grief, the loneliness and the hope that one can experience in such a loss. This week’s episode is in honor of…
Better Than You Can Imagine

I’ve seen it four times and it still makes me cry every time. The message of forgiveness, redemption, and hope is so powerful it draws me in and I learn new lessons each time I see it. I’ve watched parts of other movies dozens of times over a period of years, but I’ve never sat down and […]
21: Better Than You Can Imagine
By now most of us have seen the hit movie, I Can Only Imagine, and have been deeply touched by it. In this week’s episode of Reviving Your Soul, I share how we can relate various scenes to our own lives. We also explore how God wants only the best for…
Living Our Messy Lives

Life gets messy. We can plan and organize, but things always seem to get in the way. I’ve always said, “if you want to make God laugh, just make plans.” Of course, we make plans anyway. We need to or otherwise, we drift. The only thing worse than making plans that have to be changed […]
20: Living Our Messy Lives
Viewing God’s Embroidery
No More Hiding…

The words reverberated in my ears, “How do you need to step out in faith? What are you being called to? What voice have you been holding onto and not showing the world?” The tears were almost instantaneous was my coach was talking to our group. It was like she had peeked into my life […]