30: Dare to Hope
There are many who have given up trying to make a better life for themselves. They have had one disappointment or challenge after another and it seems they are impossible to overcome. The good news is that in this season of advent, we are reminded…
29: The Gift of Forgiveness
Forgiveness is a gift that can be hard to give, but its a gift that has true meaning and can change the direction of your life, both as the giver and the receiver. Whether you need to forgive someone else or yourself, listen to this episode of…
When it Gets Hard to Fit the Pieces together

I have a two, almost three, year old grandson who loves solving puzzles. A few weeks ago when he was visiting, I went in search of a puzzle we could do together. The only one that looked even remotely likely was a small box with a picture of a cat on it. Unfortunately a small […]
28: When it Gets Hard to Fit the Pieces Together
Sometimes we struggle to make something work and need to question if we really should. Its like trying to lock two puzzle pieces that aren’t meant to connect. When life gets hard we need to look at the situation and see if we should try a different…
Is Gratitude Really Enough?

By definition, gratitude is the quality or feeling of being thankful or grateful. It is our readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness. If you Google the word, you will find about 160 million results. It is really “a thing” these days. You can find journals, books, devotionals, plaques to hang on your […]
27: Is Gratitude Really Enough?
Give Thanks for Everything
The (unconventional) Cure for Holiday Stress

Every year it seems Christmas comes a little earlier. Have you ever noticed that? Its called Christmas Creep and it’s a real thing. Way before Halloween even, the isles of our favorite stores fill up with all the essentials we need to create the perfect Christmas. Depending on the store you are in, you can […]
26: The Cure for Holiday Stress
We all overdo for the holidays at some point or another. What if we could head off some or even all the undue stress and simply relax and enjoy a meaningful holiday season? What if you could design your Christmas the way you have only dreamed of in…
25: Navigating the Path Through Grief
Interview with Grief Coach Anica Marcum
Weathering the Storms of Life

We all weather storms in life, don’t we? I had a recent health scare that could have been considerably more stormy than it really was. But there was a time of uncertainty that was a bit unsettling. I feel blessed that I felt God’s presence during that time and was very much at peace with whatever came […]