Use Words of Encouragement

Haters are gonna hate. I don’t know who coined that phrase, but it’s a good summary of Proverbs 9:8 which says, “Don’t bother rebuking mockers; they will only hate you.” As always, it is best to read a verse with the verses around it to get the full context. Let’s check it out starting with verse 7, “Anyone who […]
45: Use Words of Encouragement
The tongue is very powerful. It can lift someone up or tear them down in seconds. In this episode of Reviving Your Soul, we discuss why we need to guard our tongue, speak truth, and use encouraging words when we speak.
Make Time for God’s Word

You know you should, but you don’t, do you? I mean, who has the time? We’ve got work, there’s that meeting, dinner to make, reports to write, kids to attend to, and heaven forbid we miss this week’s episode of This is Us! So there it lays. How long has it been? A few days, weeks, months? I […]
44: Make Time for God’s Word
Life is busy. And it’s hard to fit in all the things that demand our time. But spending a piece of each day in Scripture is a worthwhile investment. In this week’s episode of Reviving Your Soul, we find out why it is important to make time to be in…
43: Stop Living In Scarcity
Sometimes we are so comfortable with what we have, we don’t recognize there is so much more. But it doesn’t have to be that way. In this episode of Reviving Your Soul, we explore how God wants us to stop clinging to the things that are holding us back…
Stop Living In Scarcity

I just sat there. Stunned. All I could think was, “you’ve got to be kidding me! They’re laying me off and giving my job back to the person I replaced?” As the HR person went on to explain whatever it is she had to say, my mind kept swirling with, “It isn’t fair! She’s the […]
42: Are You a Peaceful Warrior?
Are you avoiding difficult conversations in your work life? Do you find it easier to sit back and remain silent when touchy subjects come up? In today’s episode of Reviving Your Soul, we discuss how it may be time to stop going along with society and…
Are You a Peaceful Warrior?

We’ve been trained to avoid the tough conversations in life, haven’t we? It seems that it’s been getting worse for those of us who speak out about Christ. We are being ridiculed for our beliefs on a much larger scale than ever before. And in reality, we are more than relieved to step back and […]
41: Showing Your Faith at Work
Living in integrity with our faith in the workplace can be tricky. We don’t want to come on too strong, but we also don’t want to deny what we know to be true. In this week’s episode of Reviving Your Soul, we discuss ways to balance the two extremes…
Showing Your Faith At Work

There are all kinds of politics and dynamics to be aware of in the workplace. It can be challenging to maneuver it all. Especially in this environment of political correctness. To compensate, Christians typically err in one of three ways. We either bury our faith to all but our closest friends so that we can […]