Did you know we don’t have to ask God for joy, happiness, fulfillment, or peace?  Instead, did you realize that they are all residual benefits of seeking God’s kingdom first?  I’ve prayed for peace and other fruits of the spirit for so long and, yes, I’ve certainly experienced the fruits of the spirit in my life, but I didn’t until recently realize I was going about it backward.   I’m curious about how I missed this truth for so long.

In 1 John 5:14-15, the Bible says, “And you can be confident that he will listen to us whenever we ask him for anything in line with his will.  And if we know he is listening when we make our requests, we can be sure that he will give us what we ask for.”  Yeah, but…if you are like me you may be asking, “how do I really know what his will is?”  Beth Moore’s brought this to my attention in her book, Audacious, where I learned that if we truly want God’s will to be done, we simply must love the Lord our God with all our heart, all our soul, all our mind, and all our strength.  So there you have it.  God’s will for us is for us to love him above all else.  AND what is even cooler;  we can ask him to help us do just that!

In Matthew 7:7-8 we read, “Keep on asking and you will be given what you ask for.  Keep on looking, and you will find.  Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened.  For everyone who asks, receives.  Everyone who seeks finds.  And the door is opened to everyone who knocks.”  I share more about this in this week’s episode of Reviving Your Soul (Now Longing for More) where I also discuss that sometimes we have to be persistent in our asking.  

I think we’ve all experienced the times where what we ask for is provided almost immediately, and other times, we have to wait for a response.  It is easy to be discouraged and sometimes we are tempted to give up after a few halfhearted tries because we come to the conclusion that God just isn’t listening or doesn’t care.  But knowing God takes faith (sometimes Courageous Faith!), focus, and follow-through.  Jesus promises us that we will be rewarded.  In fact, from my experience, the lessons learned in being patient are far greater than the earthly “gifts” I reaped before I earnestly sought God’s will.  So please, don’t give up your efforts to seek God’s will.  Continue to ask him for more knowledge, patience, wisdom, love, and understanding.  He will give them to you and so much more!

I believe with all my heart that he wants each and every one of us to fully live a life of love and freedom.  In fact, he is calling us to that and that we are not supposed to shrink in fear or self-doubt.  I mean, really, what do we have to fear if we are living the life that we were created for by the creator of the world? 

The most difficult part of all this for me has been figuring out what is mine to do and what I should leave in God’s hands.  In last week’s episode called Letting Go of Control: The Art of Surrender, I talked about how much easier our life can be when we let go.  Again, that doesn’t mean we don’t try and just wait for things to happen.  But I do believe it means we get to chose what we want our life to look like and create our days to live the life we love.  Truly, I believe that if you are living a life you hate, dread, or are wishing away, you are wasting a precious gift.  

Are you ready to stop drifting and start making your amazing life happen?  Why wait for a major life event to change the way you are living.  Choose today to design your best life and then ask Jesus to help you make it come true.  It truly is so freeing to let go of the ties that bind us and prevent us from living the life we were created for.  

If you are inspired by these words and hear that little voice whispering in your ear telling you there is more, don’t squelch it.  I’d love to show you what that can look like.  Reach out to me today and let’s have a conversation.  It’s free and there is no commitment to do anything beyond having that one conversation.       

https://www.vonajohnson.com/14-ask-and-you-shall-receive/Each moment of your life is a precious gift.  Thanks for spending these last few with me.  I’ve expanded on these thoughts and how they’ve impacted my life in this week’s episode of Longing for More (formerly Reviving Your Soul),  if you are compelled to do so, please listen to it here.  I’d love to know how you’ve been blessed by seeking God’s will and asking for his blessings.  

Thanks again for stopping by.   Have an amazing week!

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