There are moments we will never forget where we were when we heard the news of significant events in our lifetime. I was at the office when the planes flew into the towers on 9/11. I was in a hotel room in Denver when South Dakota’s Governor’s plane flew into a silo, killing all on board. And I was at Chicago O’hare waiting to board a plane when I heard about Roe vs. Wade.
The emotion that swept over me when I read the headlines last week was unexpected. I’d prayed for the outcome but honestly doubted it would happen. Despite the outcry from the “leak” weeks before, the Justices found cause to overturn a 50-year-old decision.
Though goodness won the day, I knew it would come with much resistance. While acknowledging that not everyone is celebrating, I am shocked by the number of well-meaning Christians speaking out against this decision. Many are upset and fearful of the outcome of this momentous decision, and many are lashing out. Though it’s not possible, nor do I feel qualified to address all the issues surrounding this topic in this space, I will address the opportunity that I believe we Christians have at this critical junction in history. It’s a time to boldly step out in faith and stand up for good. I’m going to share some thoughts on that today. I hope you’ll join me.
I admit I am biased. As a single college-age woman, I had an unplanned pregnancy three and a half decades ago. Despite my doctor’s suggestion that I had options, I chose life. I had always believed I would have an abortion if my risky behavior caught up with me. But I knew I would keep my baby when I saw the little blue line on the home test. Of course, if you’ve read my book, A Different View, you know the story already.
Proponents of abortion argue that it’s a woman’s rights issue–that we should be able to decide what is best for our bodies. I generally agree with that line of thought. However, once another life is involved, it is no longer just the woman’s body we must consider. The point where there is a choice is before a child is conceived. After that, we start playing God if we terminate an innocent life for our benefit.
The choices are so much more significant than what we do with our bodies. Instead, it’s a matter of believing God is in control. He allows us the freedom to make decisions for ourselves, knowing we won’t always follow His will. We make mistakes, but He never does. When we learn to trust that God can and will bring good to every situation, we can stop trying to control the situation and lean on Him to help us through the messes we create for ourselves. We can trust that everything will work out in God’s endless love and through His incredible mercy and grace. Maybe not how we think it will or in the timeframe we think, but miraculously it always turns out better than we can imagine.
Unfortunately, we get impatient when God doesn’t act when and how we want, and we take things into our own hands. The world has convinced us that we are ignorant and weak if we don’t do everything we can to control our destiny. Satan has convinced us we can’t do things we can with the assistance of the Holy Spirit, while at the same time, he encourages us to do things that are contrary to God’s Word. It’s an age-old problem, and it hinges on Satan’s ability to convince us that God didn’t really mean what He said in Scripture. As frightening as following God’s will can be at times, He will fill in the gaps between what He asks us to do and what we can do on our own. He wants us to fulfill His plan for our lives, but He wants us to do it His way, not ours.
I had no idea what was in store for me when I chose life. I was alone, a broke college student, and the baby’s father had made it clear he no longer wanted to be in my life. But I chose to trust God rather than respond in fear. Despite the challenges I faced, with God’s help, I overcame each one. I graduated from college, married a man who loves my son as his own, and went on to have a great career and amazing life.
You see, my life had been on a downward spiral, and that unplanned pregnancy was precisely the thing that turned my life around. I didn’t consciously get pregnant, but I know God knew how it would turn out, and He gave me the encouragement I needed to keep moving forward. I shudder to think how empty my life would be if I had chosen differently and wouldn’t have my amazing son and his family in my life.
The world tries to shame us into believing their way is the best, that we can cover up our mistakes and make life happen on our terms. But we Christians are called to a higher standard. It’s time to stop believing the lies, step up to the challenge, trust God, and boldly live our lives for Him. We can no longer bow to the threats of those who believe we can stamp out life without consequence. Now more than ever, we must speak for what is right and stand for saving the unborn. The tides are changing, but we can’t let our guard down and leave it up to someone else to do all the work.
Because now the work truly begins. We must better educate both men and women about their responsibility to prevent pregnancy until they are ready to create a family. At the same time, we also must help young men and women to respect themselves and their bodies and say no to their every desire. It’s time to stop promiscuity and encourage young people to save themselves for relationships where there is love and respect for one another.
I’ve heard many refer to this decision of the courts as turning the clock back to the 50s. While part of that may be true, returning to a culture where instant gratification isn’t the norm isn’t all bad. But I agree that we can’t legislate morality, and people will always be allowed to make bad decisions. Regardless, there are way more options for birth control today than there were 50 years ago. I’m embarrassed when women use the argument that abortion is their only means of birth control. It is irresponsible and an outright lie to say it is the only way to prevent unwanted pregnancies.
Believers have a tremendous opportunity to stand up for life and speak out against the bullies who will continue to push for full-term abortions and defy God and the law of this land. But we must remind ourselves that some of the people supporting this evil are misled by the many false teachers the Bible warns us about. We need to love people where they are, be kind, and rely on the Holy Spirit to let us know what, if anything, we are to say.
If you know someone who has had an abortion, this can be a challenging time for them. Let them know that God loves them and will forgive them if they ask Him to. Remind them that we are all sinners, and no one can judge them for doing what they felt was right at the time. If they are struggling, help them know they do not need to face this and other challenges alone. If you need help with this, reach out, I am happy to visit with them directly or with you to help you find a way to help.
This shift in perspective requires a change in our culture. It starts in the home, the school system, and in our churches. You don’t have to be as bold as Abby Johnson, author of the book (and now movie) Unplanned, but it is time to stop letting those who speak in favor of this atrocity lead the conversation. So yes, you need to speak out when people in your circle share their views. Please don’t argue, shout, or even preach to them. Simply share that you disagree and offer to have a quiet conversation about your views. If that’s too hard, share a post or podcast (yes, this one will do!), or simply tell a friend to check it out. God will open the door, and the Holy Sprint will guide you through it. Not only that, He’ll give you the words and courage to say them.
Trust me. This topic has been on my heart to share for so long, and with this momentous event, I knew it was time. But I was fearful of what people would think. Would the haters criticize and belittle me? Would friends unfriend me? Would listeners unsubscribe from my podcast? Maybe, but that’s their choice. Indeed, that’s your choice. But before you go, please listen to this next point.
In Acts 4, Peter and John spoke boldly and challenged us to do the same. They said, “And now, Lord, hear their threats, and give us, Your servants, great boldness in preaching your word.” (Verse 29 NLT)
It can be scary to speak up for what is right because people who believe in abortion are angry and afraid. And we all say things that are hurtful when we feel threatened. But like Peter and John, we can pray for great boldness. We can ask the Holy Spirit to give us the strength and courage to speak against evil. And if you aren’t sure what to believe, get into God’s Word. Pray and ask for clarity and guidance. Ask God what He thinks, then listen to His response.
I encourage you to study the following verses supporting life and use them in conversations.
Job talks about God guiding his conception and forming him in the womb in Job 10:10-11.
In Psalm 139:15-16, David talks about how God wove him in the womb. He says, “You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed.”
There is also a verse in Isaiah, Chapter 49 that says, “The Lord called me before my birth; from within the womb he called me by name.”
God gave Jeremiah the message that he knew him before he formed him in his mother’s womb, set him apart, and appointed him a prophet to the nations.
God knows us before we are born as well. He thought about each one of us and planned our lives. He created us in His image and values each of us—even when we make choices that are contrary to His wishes. He must be sad when we decide we know better than Him and make choices contrary to His will, which He spells out in His Word.
I hope this encourages you and helps you to be ready to speak out for life. If doubts and fears hold you back or if you are uncertain about what God is calling you to do or how to speak out for good, let’s connect. I’d love to help you live more boldly and confidently take the actions God calls you to take.
Let’s face it, the world is changing, and we don’t know how long we have left on this earth. If you’re playing it safe or know people who are, it’s time to gather the courage and speak up. I am creating a new community where we can have meaningful conversations about what it means to live our faith. A place where we can share fears and then support one another to take action. It’s not yet ready, so sign up for my newsletter, and I’ll notify you as I move forward. As quickly as things shift in this world, we don’t know where Christians will be allowed to speak out, and honestly, I don’t know how long I will continue to associate with big businesses that openly support abortions. If you are inspired or even remotely curious about living your faith in boldness, let’s work together to ensure every Christian knows their role and is ready to do their part, regardless of where the world leads us.
It’s a time to boldly step out in faith and confidently fulfill your purpose! Are you ready?
© 2016 – 2025, Vona Johnson Coaching LLC, All rights reserved.