As I sat at my computer much like I am today, the words literally popped into my head.  I don’t remember what I was working on or what I was doing, but I do remember I got this idea for the name of the book I was going to write one day. I stopped and wrote it on a piece of paper so I wouldn’t forget.  Now this book has been floating around in my head for more years than I can remember. For whatever reason, that day it was so clear what the title needed to be.

I have no idea where that scrap of paper went, but I’ve never forgotten what was written on it.  What is crazy to me remembering that right now, is that I’m realizing that the name I wrote down was going to become an overriding purpose for life.  I literally had no idea then or even until just this minute as I started to write that everything I’ve been working on these last few years (and possibly my whole life) has been to help people see things from A Different View.  

I’ve been back and forth a dozen times this week over what my New Year’s message was going to be. It literally didn’t come to me until I started typing.  That happens more than I care to admit.  But what I love about that is that I know that when that happens, the words that flow are coming from the Holy Spirit and not me.  

There I said it.  I know it doesn’t probably mean much to you, but I have been holding back on saying those words to you.  Fortunately, my coach helped me to realize that I need to follow my own advice and live in courageous faith. To not worry about my listeners (or readers in this case) will say if I declare that few of my ideas are my own. Rather, they come from God.  I worried that if I said that out loud, some of you would think that I think I am special in some way because God speaks to me.  

It’s crazy the thoughts we have that are out and out lies to keep us from our purpose.  You see, God does speak to me through the Holy Spirit every day.  Some days I listen better than others. But God’s right there to guide me if I shut the noise of the world out long enough to hear his gentle whisper.  His nudge that says, “this is the next step.”  Sadly, there are too many days that I don’t slow down enough to take the actions I’ve been given. But truly my life goes oh so much more smoothly when I do.

And it will for you too.  Starting today I encourage you to stop with the resolutions. Make no more false promises to yourself. And finally, take the time to listen to where God wants to lead you.  You see, he has a plan for you.  He lays the dreams on your heart and he wants you to take action on those dreams.  He doesn’t mean for them to be something that you only wish for. He wants you to take one small step every day to work toward that dream.  

I think we sometimes get tripped up on making our dreams come true because we make two mistakes.  First, we think it is all up to us to make it happen when God really wants to help us.  But, you see, he isn’t going to force us to take his help.  He’ll step back and let us make a mess of it if we don’t include him in our planning and in our actions.  

The second mistake we make is we believe the lie that we don’t deserve to have our dreams come true.  We have bought off on a story that we aren’t good enough. Or we beleive we don’t have the right skills or abilities to do what we really want to do.  But what if we stepped back and looked at that from a different perspective?  What if we believed the promise for the abundant life God promised to us?  What if we challenged the story that says we have to do what everyone else thinks we should do and instead, created a story that reflects our true authentic self?  

Think about it.  About 45% of the population in the US resolve they are going to lose weight or get fit each year.  And then they make the same resolution the next year.  Is it because they truly want that or is it because they feel that is something they should want?  

What if instead of making a resolution and trying the latest fad diet or exercise that likely will work for a while, you were able to make some changes in your daily routine that allowed you to eat the things you really love and still lose weight?   Or better yet, what if you could stop focusing on food altogether? Imagine being able to simply start living your life without judgment and figure out what is causing you to overeat in the first place?  Chances are something is eating at you and that is causing the weight issues, not the food.  

Maybe weight isn’t a problem for you.  Maybe it’s a relationship that is causing you to have stress.  Or could it be your work?  Maybe it isn’t satisfying anymore and you need a bigger challenge.  Or the reverse, maybe you have a challenging career, but don’t feel you are holding up your end of the contract.  Whatever it is, you know how to fix it already.   And for some reason, you are holding back on stepping into your best self.  It could be fear, self-doubt, lack of confidence, or any number of things.   But, as I’ve said many times, we are where we are for a reason.  God may be asking you to stretch yourself into a new role, and while it can be scary, he also will give you all the tools you need to accomplish that dream or fulfill that position.  

So as I write this, I realize that it may be time for me to write that book.  I think I finally have the details to fill the pages. I’m pretty sure that the idea coming to me today could be considered one of those gentle nudges I talk about.  

So what you?  What if this year could be the year you finally fill that longing you’ve held for years?  Could this be the year for you to own your story, too?  What if you could stop the dieting, let go of the limiting beliefs and doubts, stop judging yourself and others, and truly look at life from a different view?  

If you are interested in more, subscribe to the podcast so you won’t miss an episode. We will be talking about how we can live in courageous faith and look at life from a different view.  We’ll talk about detoxing our lives from the harmful foods we eat. We will also discuss the negative thoughts we have. And we will also talk about the constant distractions that keep us from hearing God whispering in our ear and being our best self.  

I hope you will join me.  If you want to take a deeper dive to find out what is holding you back, let’s have a conversation soon.  In one hour, you can have insight into what changes could have the biggest impact on your life. You may even be set to move forward toward a whole new perspective on life.  Sign up for a free consultation today and begin your journey toward fulfilling your purpose.

Thank for taking the time to stop by.  I hope you have a blessed New Year!

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