I love to start my Sunday mornings with our Sonrise service on the radio. It’s just a quick 20-minute service with some scripture, a short message, and music. I usually drift in and out of sleep as I listen and this week was no different.   Fortunately, I was awake when the song Thrive by Casting Crowns was played. I’ve heard it many times before, but I’d never listened to all of the words until now. I won’t write the whole song here, but I will repeat the part that caught my attention.

We know we were made for so much more than ordinary lives

It’s time for us to more than just survive

We were made to thrive

What a beautiful thought. When did we buy into the story that we need to lead safe ordinary lives? Who told us to never rock the boat and always be safe? Yes, we need to make informed decisions, but sometimes we need to step out in faith and trust that God really does want something more for us. The problem is that we have to let go of our old “stuff” before we can make room for the amazing new life he has for us. It can be scary to do that sometimes. We feel safe with our past. As messed up as it can be, it feels safer than going into the unknown of trying something different.

Another challenge can be that every person’s story is different and the thing that is just what one person needs to make their life complete is entirely different than what the person standing next to him may need. What is even more confusing is that sometimes taking that big step into the unknown isn’t related to changing our physical location at all. It could be all about changing the way we see something or react to it.

Think about it. We all know that friend who hates their job so takes another job and it isn’t long that they hate that job too. So they move on to the next big opportunity only to find out that it isn’t what they wanted either. It doesn’t take a psychologist to see that it isn’t the job that needs adjusting, it’s the individual’s perspective or attitude. The problem is, when it is you that is struggling, it can be really hard to realize that. And it can be difficult to know what changes to make.

And that, my friend, is why we sometimes need someone to help us maneuver through tough times and find what it is that is calling to us. It might be a move across the country, or maybe it is as simple as helping that aging neighbor who could stay in their home longer with a little extra help and the feeling of satisfaction of being needed. If you feel unsettled, it is almost certainly a call to something greater. Don’t be afraid to explore what it is. If you listen, and if you start doing more than just surviving, you may find yourself actually thriving in this world. That is just what God wants for us. Why live an ordinary life when there is so much more out there waiting for you?

If you are seeking change, but need help figuring out why you aren’t moving forward, let’s visit.  I’d love to help you.

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