148: Letting Go of Life’s Expectations

Too often, our expectations in life turn into disappointments. What if, instead of setting ourselves up to be discouraged, we shifted our focus and lived in expectancy of seeing God everywhere?
In this episode, our guest, speaker, author, and coach, Dana Lyons, shares her experiences as she learned to listen and look for God in all things and how letting go of her earthly expectations changed everything.
Listen and learn how you can let go and lean into God and all He has to offer you.
Main Points from the Show
One of the hardest things Christians have to overcome is their own expectations which often lead to discouragement when they aren’t met. Unmet expectations of ourselves can be the worst.
It is best when we take our focus off of the thing we have built an expectation around and focus on God instead.
Look at everything in life from a place of expectancy of seeing God instead of the expectation we build from a worldly perspective.
Shifting our expectations is a large part of Living Our More!
Quotes from the Show
“Ask yourself, what is God’s best for us? How can I stop surviving and start thriving? God wants us to thrive!” Dana Lyons
“Those things He (God) laid on our heart are there for a reason. Seek Him first and the rest will come.” Dana Lyons
Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need. (Matthew 6:33 NLT)
Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28 NLT)
Dana’s website is www.coachdanalyons.com.

Hello, Friend!
I'm so glad you're here. Your soul is longing for more and you are finally ready to say yes! Yes to living the values God has placed in your heart so you can live in fulfillment and peace.
I am an author, coach, podcaster, and speaker. I guide Christians to discover what is missing in their life, find order in the chaos, redefine their priorities, and create a deeper connection with their eternal purpose. We do this through my 4-Part ‘Live Your More Process’ so they can start living the life their soul longs for.
As a master certified life coach, a 30 year professional, and a life long student of the Bible, I am uniqely qualifed to lead you on your journy to living your faith in your day to day life. I can guide you through the struggles in both your work and your home life so you can feel confident you are on the right path and living in God's will.
This Post Has One Comment
I wish the show was longer. I wanted to keep listening to you and Dana inspiring me to thrive by going deeper with God daily and in all things I do. Thank you both!