142: The Truth, the Whole Truth, & Nothing But the Truth

Most people know we can be held in contempt of court if we bear a false witness when witnessing in court. Sadly, few are concerned about bearing false witness about the truth regarding God’s Word.
Although most Christians own at least one Bible, less than half read it consistently, and fewer still treat it as a source for living their daily lives. It’s no secret that the Bible has fallen from favor because it doesn’t say what many want it to say.
In reality, it shows us how to love as Christ calls us to love. It truly is our guidebook for living, and if we don’t follow it, we are at risk of falling for the lies of false prophets.
This week’s episode explores how following God’s plan without omission, embellishment, or alteration will fulfill His people and bring them peace.
https://vonajohnson.ck.page/3fb56c172cListen and find out how you can incorporate the truth of God’s Word into your life today.
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I'm so glad you're here. Your soul is longing for more and you are finally ready to say yes! Yes to living the values God has placed in your heart so you can live in fulfillment and peace.
I am an author, coach, podcaster, and speaker. I guide Christians to discover what is missing in their life, find order in the chaos, redefine their priorities, and create a deeper connection with their eternal purpose. We do this through my 4-Part ‘Live Your More Process’ so they can start living the life their soul longs for.
As a master certified life coach, a 30 year professional, and a life long student of the Bible, I am uniqely qualifed to lead you on your journy to living your faith in your day to day life. I can guide you through the struggles in both your work and your home life so you can feel confident you are on the right path and living in God's will.