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Anyone else long for a time when we truly will all be one with the Spirit? It feels a long way off, doesn’t it?
But it doesn’t have to be. We can all change our actions and live the faith we proclaim. We can trust that God is in control and do what He is calling us to. Even, maybe even especially, when it seems contrary to what our better judgment tells us to do.
In this week’s episode of Longing for More, we revisit the sixty’s folk song, They Will Know We Are Christians By Our Love and explore what that can look like in today’s world.
Listen now, you’ll be glad you did!
If God has brought something to your attention, it is for a reason and chances are He’s asking you to take some sort of action.
In the story of Jesus feeding the 5,000 we learned that, in the hands of Jesus, not enough became more than enough. If Jesus can do that while the masses where watching, imagine what he is doing behind the scenes today. God uses a need in the world to show his power and strength. (Luke 6:1)
God needs our help to show the world how to not only say the right things, but take the right actions. When we disagree, as I mentioned last week, we need to speak up. But we need to do so respectfully. Not with harsh and angry words, but with kind and gentle words.
Find a way to agree to disagree and work together for the true good of our nation and the world we live in. You see, there are millions of people who don’t know Jesus yet, and if they look at us so-called Christians and all they can see is yelling, screaming, name-calling, hate-filled people why on earth would they want to be a part of that?
We are one in the Spirit, we are one in the Lord
And we pray that our unity will one day be restored
And they’ll know we are Christians by our love…
(Taken from the Song, They Will Know We Are Christians By Our Love, by Fr. Peter Scholtes)
God uses a need in the world to show his power and strength.
God turned into good what was meant for evil. (Gen 50:20).
Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples (John 13:35 NLT)
Luke 6:1 The story of feeding the 5,000