Life has so much to offer, but addictions can prevent us from living our best life. In today’s show, certified life and health coach, Michael Arnold, shares her amazing path to recovery and what compelled her to use coaching to truly make a difference in the world. Listen to her inspiring story about how she found hope and Devine love in her life.

Summary of the Conversation with Michael:

Life can be hard.  We often use coping mechanisms to help us get through the tough times and what was once fun can take control of our lives.  We get to the point where we are helpless to change our situation.  My friend, Michael Arnold, knows this better than most.  She shares her chilling story of the day God gave her the choice to stay or go with him in my most recent episode of Reviving Your Soul (Now Longing for More).  She shares how she had tried to sober up for others in the past, but it wasn’t until the day she had to her “Devine Intervention,” did it really mean something to her to chose life.  

She tells how coaching, not treatment, made the difference in her life and how the support she received held her accountable and inspired her to become her best self and allowed her to focus on her future for the first time in a very long time.  

We all have this crazy idea that we need to do it ourselves.  That somehow there is shame in admitting weakness or sharing our true self. That somehow it is weak to ask for help, but through her experiences, she learned that we are here to champion one another and that asking for help can be the most powerful thing we can do for ourselves.

If you or someone you love are struggling with substance addiction, I encourage you to go listen to Michael’s story.  I think you will fall in love with her just like I did.  If you do and you want to reach out to see if she might be the one who can bring hope back into your life, please reach out to her on Facebook.  You’ll be glad you did.  

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