The ability to take a bad situation and find the good in it is a rare gift. Being able to share the experience in an inspiring story is even rarer. Motivational speaker and author, Michael Arterberry, has this gift.

Michael grew up in a home with a raging alcoholic and a mother who, though they had little, was committed to leaving a legacy of faith. God is using his life’s story to help troubled teens and adults find the silver lining in their challenges in life and find peace in their situation.

Michael is this week’s guest on Longing for More. Listen as he shares how you, too, can shake off the dirt in your life and rise above the problems that come your way.

You will want to listen to every experience and every lesson and then you will want to share it with a friend.

Summary of Interview

I love it when God uses our biggest challenges in life and turns them into our greatest triumph.  And that is exactly what he did with Michael Arterberry our guest this week.  Michael grew up in a home with a father who Micheal describes as a raging alcoholic. His mother raised the family on very little income but was determined to raise her family with good Christian values.

Michael tells how he was gifted in sports and that helped him through his early years. He shifted from growing up surrounded by drugs and crime to shaking it off and stepping on it to survive. Displaying his gift of storytelling, Michael begins the show telling his example of the donkey who shakes off the dirt in life and how it has inspired many to turn away from looking at themselves as a victim and become the hero in their own lives.

His truly is an inspiring story of how he ended on an entirely different path than he intended to be on. He explains how his secret sauce is his strong faith and how it got him through the many challenges in his life.  He truly believes that you can twist and turn anything that happens to you in your life and find a silver lining.

He concludes by sharing this beautiful quote:

Short term thinkers plant gardens. 

Long term thinkers plant Trees. 

Eternity minded thinkers plant themselves in the souls of others.

The episode is a beautiful conversation full of wisdom and inspiration.  Be sure to listen today and then share it with your friends who could use some inspiration today.

More about Michael

With his captivating and empowering style, Michael will leave people with the aspiration and inspiration to be better.

As a teenager, Michael was fortunate to receive guidance from positive adult role models who helped him overcome adversities and set high expectations for his future. Grateful for the role these mentors played in his own development, Michael decided to dedicate his professional life to helping people navigate the difficulties of life and launch their future into motion.


Michael’s Book: “Be Encouraged: 250 Days of Motivation and Encouragement” available on Amazon

He also has an online course he is hosting.

You can find him at:

Download the Top Four Reasons You Feel Unfulfilled by Your Success at www.vonajohnson/com/unfulfilled.

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