Our lives are full of choices. Things we should do, things we shouldn’t do, things we want to do, things we don’t want to do, and a thousand things in between.

It’s hard to keep track of it all and it’s nearly impossible to keep from getting overwhelmed. But when we consciously make decisions based on biblical truths using practical tools, it can be so much easier.

In this episode of Longing for More, our guest, Christa Hutchins, shares a wealth of ideas and practical resources that will help you sort out all the thoughts swirling around in your head and help you to do the one thing that matters most.

Be sure to listen to find out how to access her idea capture system. You will also learn how she finds a balance between hustle and rest where we walk with Jesus and work with him to fulfill his purposes.

Join us. You’ll be glad you did!


Our lives can get so cluttered with so much to do and so many things to think about. It’s always been tough, but recently it’s gotten a lot tougher, hasn’t it? What if you had some organizational tools to help you free up your mental space to do what God really wants you to do? So you could do that one thing that matters for right now? Our guest this week is Christa Hutchins. She is the founder of Do a New Thing and author of Moving Forward: Inspiration for the Go-Getter Jesus Girl, and she gives is some fantastic ideas and tools to help us do just that.

On the show, she talks about how we can find a balance between hustle and rest. She also offers a five-step plan to capture the many thoughts swirling through our brain at all times of the day. You can get that plan here.

As a woman in the chemical engineering world, God called her to help out other women in “businistry” (you’ll have to talk to Christa about that…it’s not in the dictionary!) with their organizational skills. Her amazing ideas would be beneficial to someone in the corporate world, private business, or a ministry. Learn more about what she offers here.

She has an extensive background leading bible studies and does an incredible job of helping women of faith to weave their faith into their work life.  She shares her life verse on the show which comes from Matthew 11: 28-30 of the Message. It reads, “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”

Christa seems to have been able to embrace this verse with the way she lives her life. She has much wisdom to share and you can get it all by listening to the full episode at the top or bottom of this post.

More about Christa Hutchins

She is a proud graduate of the University of Florida (Go Gators!) with a degree in Chemical Engineering, She’s worked for a global engineering and construction contractor for over 25 years, leading teams on large and small projects, in multiple locations, on several continents. Detailed planning and strong, transparent communication is the key to effectively reaching her team’s goals. Her role as the leader of the team is to make each team member successful so that we reach our goal together.

For the past six years, She’s had the honor of volunteering for Proverbs 31 Ministries Online Bible Studies. She’s served on the Executive Team for Online Bible Studies as the Coordinator of Reality. After a period of explosive growth in the ministry, she participated in a strategic reorganization that has positioned the organization for future growth and more effective ministry. Her amazing knack for “doing things” has come in handy as she’s created her own systems for small group registration, volunteer applications and screening, quality service surveying, and other administrative tasks.


Christa’s website: www.DoaNewThing.com

Get your 5 Steps on How to Create an Idea Capturing System at www.DoaNewThing.com/longing

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