Laughter is a gift we can use to connect with people in a way that little else can. It can also heal us both physically and emotionally.

This is demonstrated beautifully by the work guest, Dave Ebert, founder of the Gifts for Glory Ministry and Well Verse Comedy, does. In this episode, Dave shares how comedy has changed his life significantly. He explains how he once used humor as a way to hide and how he now uses it to reveal who God is.

Dave’s used comedy to help others improve their communication skills, self-confidence, and to tap into their creativity. He’s even used it to help kids in shelters to forget the burdens and scars they’ve been carrying throughout their life.

In this world where things are so uncertain and life can be a challenge, it is important to use all the gifts offered to us; especially the gift of humor.

Listen today, you will be blessed. I promise!

More about Dave Ebert

Dave is an experienced improviser, actor, speaker, improv coach, and is currently seeking his ministry license through the Assemblies of God. 

Dave has a very unique resume as he credits most of his acting and improv training to his 8+ years traveling the roads of West Virginia, Virginia, and North Carolina as a professional wrestler. 

Dave is the founder of Gifts for Glory Ministries, as well as the founder of both Well Versed Comedy and PureFest

Dave moved to Chicago to pursue a life and career in ministry to use his gifts for God’s glory. Whether it be making people laugh during an improv show, moving the audience with a dramatic role, preaching the Word of God from the pulpit, inspiring a crowd from the podium, Dave is right at home in front of a crowd. His amazing testimony about how God delivered him from depression and suicidal ideations has been impacting crowds in and around Chicago for the last 6 years.

Click Here to watch the Improv videos mentioned in the conversation.

To book the troupe for a show in your area, go to

Dave teaches improv to help improve team camaraderie, communication, confidence, and block out fear for general purposes. He also has a program called Improv(e) Your Witness, using improv fundamentals to build confidence and to get ourselves out of our own way from sharing our testimony and witnessing to the unchurched. If you are interested in learning more,  please contact him at

Be sure to listen to Dave’s Gifts for Glory

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