We are called to share the hope we have in Jesus with the world. Some share as a ministry, others as a part of their work, and yet others simply by the actions they take.

A relatively new way to share the message is through podcasting. But you don’t have to host your own show to use this platform. You can be a guest on a show or you can simply share an episode of your favorite show with those you love.

In today’s episode of Longing for More, the host of the podcast, By His Grace, Misty Phillip, tells why she started a movement to spread the message of hope through podcasting by hosting a conference for Christian podcasters.

Her story will inspire you to look for ways Jesus might be calling you to step into His calling. Who knows? Maybe God will spark a flame in someone’s heart by you simply listening to this one episode!

This week we are celebrating the 100th episode of Longing for More by highlighting the rapidly expanding market for Christian podcasts! To help celebrate, we have a special guest, author and podcast host, Misty Philip!

She has a Bible Study, The Struggle is Real, But So is God, and her podcast is called By His Grace. You’ll want to check both out.

She is the perfect guest for this special episode of the show because she recently hosted the inaugural event, the Spark Chrisitan Podcast Conference in Houston in February 2020. 150 podcasters, authors, and vendors in the podcast world attended the conference focused on spreading the message of hope we have in Christ throughout the world. And we think podcasting is the perfect way to do it.

Whether you host a show, want to share your story as a guest on a show, or simply listen and share the message as a listener to other listeners, this is one of the easiest ways to share the message of Christ with others.

Misty shares how she went from a corporate employee to a home school mom, to author and podcaster. And how when she realized that her primary role as homeschooling mom was nearing the end, she asked God what step was next. It’s a touching story of faith that she shares and you will want to listen to the show the catch the details.

She shares how she learned the lesson that is God calls you to something, even if the timeframes seem unrealistic, that is when He shows up and helps us make the thing happen.

She also shares how she learned to let go of her idea of what life should look like and learned to ask God what He wants to happen. It is beautiful how He took her gifting and calling, connected the dots, and placed her just where He needed her for a time such as this.

Her advice is to be completely and unapologetically who we are. She reminds all beginning podcasters that it isn’t about the numbers and that we are truly all working to share for that audience of One who will then spread the message according to His will.

She also shares how there is something out there for each unique person in the podcasting world and we all get to choose what we want to listen to or share. There literally is something out there for every person.

To learn more about Misty, go to MistyPhilip.com.  You can get the download of the declarations she promised there.

To learn more about the Spark Podcast Conference go to https://www.sparkchristianpodcastconference.com


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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sparkchristianpodcon/

Thank you for following the show, Longing for More. It means so much to be able to share my story and that of my guests. If you haven’t already, I encourage you to subscribe or to sign up for my newsletter.

Have a great day and go, be blessed, stay safe, and live your more!

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